
Rotate the map in garrysmod


This is a little map rotation addon I made for servers. This addon is still in development, and may have some issues. Please report them in the issues tab.


Here is the latest release of the addon


  1. Download the latest release here.
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Drag unzipped folder to your garrysmod/addons folder of your server
  4. List your maps in lua/nextmap/sv_gmr_config.lua
  5. Restart the server or change the map
  6. Check that it worked by typing !nextmap in chat (should say what the next map will be) or gmr_version in console (should say the version)
  7. Enjoy!


The configuration is pretty simple. just go to lua/autorun/sv_config.lua, and everything should be explained in there.